D-Plate Cat Removal Yamaha 1200 & 1300 66V & 60T
The “D” plate is a low cost product that directly replaces the catalytic converter in the GP1200R, XL1200Ltd, XLT1200 and GP1300R Powervalve motors. Installation slightly increases top-end speed, reduces under-hood operating temperatures and allows the use of regular 2-stroke oils. This unit is a high quality stainless steel replica of the plate that is standard equipment on export model Yamaha watercraft without emission controls. FOR COMPETITION USE ONLY.
If installing on Catalytic Converter equipped models with OEM CDI we recommend our Cat Temp Sensor Chip. The circuit is designed to mimic the signal sent to the OEM CDI by the catalytic converter’s temperature probe preventing CDI flutters, warning devices sounding and engine shut downs due to cat removal.
NOTE: Installation requires additional fuel be supplied to motor to prevent lean conditions. Carbureted models may require replacing jets. Fuel injected models require installation of EFI Control Unit to provide additional fuel.